Four Kingdoms, The

You remember what the man said about the tank only being half full. You'd better get past the zombies by pure force or you don't stand a chance. You push hard on the accelerator and zoom forward. Some zombies attempt to block the truck, but they are thrown to the side. One is run over. A bit badly shaken, you continue to follow the tracks. Eventually, you find the edge of the forest.

Glad to have finally escaped, you check the back of the truck for any items it might have. In the back, you find a large crate of food. It's too big to carry, which makes you happier you have the truck. Nodding in satisfaction, you turn back to the actual truck.

The forest appears to be next to a swamp. You're not sure how deep it is, but you can try to drive the truck through it. If not, you could try to find a way around it.
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