Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Four Kingdoms, The

You decide it will be impossible to kill all of the zombies or even get away alive unless you take a gamble. Whether or not the man is controlling the zombies somehow, he isn't exactly helping. You charge at him with the knife, ready to stab him to death. He sees you coming at him and runs the other way, making good distance. You put on an extra burst of speed and over take him. He tries to turn but trips over a rock in the ground.

"Wait!" he cries. "If you kill me, you can't stop the zombies!"

"What do you mean?!" you demand, knife at the ready.

"I can control them, but without me giving orders, they attack everything they see. You'll never escape the forest on foot. I'll let you use my truck, though."

"You have a truck?" you ask suspiciously.

"Of course I do!" he demands. "I have a jet too, but I'm not giving that up."

You have 2 choices:

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