Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Four Kingdoms, The

As you walk back to the main room, you see a poster of someone on the wall. It reads "Jacob Henry." It's odd in the setting, but it seems almost familiar, like you've seen his face before. You're about to continue walking when you hear a voice.

"Freeze!" You identify the voice as Butch. "Put your hands up. Turn around slowly."

You follow his commands and spot the rifle, still resting on the control seat. If you can get to it in time, maybe you can convince Butch it's still loaded. Still, the gun he has pointed at you seems much more threatening. If you can distract him and timed things perfectly, you might be able to get to the gun in time. Is it worth the risk?

"I knew you would try to steal my jet. That's why I put a tracking device on the rifle. It's too bad you won't live long enough to use it."

Butch is about to fire when he spots something behind you. "Wait a minute..."
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