Four Kingdoms, The

You've always believed in safety first, and safety means having the knife. There's no telling where the zombies are headed, and you wouldn't care less if you didn't find out. Using the skills of a ninja, you stealthily creep up on the zombie and grab the knife from its belt. The zombie turns on you, and all the other zombies seem to react in unison. They march toward you, as if controlled by something or someone. Backing away, you hold out the knife to defend yourself. The zombies continue to close in, unfazed. That's when you see a man staring at the zombies as if willing them forward. It might be a gamble, but attacking the one man might be easier than attacking the whole hoard of zombies.

You raise the knife, ready to attack. You'll have to use it either way. There's no escaping from a group of zombies this size. You're only option is to fight your way through or attack the man. It's a risk, though. If he isn't directly connected to the zombies in some way, you'll lose too much time to escape.
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