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Four Kingdoms, The

There has to be someone who can at least do something, you tell yourself. There has to be someone who can tell you what's going on. You keep screaming until your lungs burn, and the zombies take notice. They turn on you, but someone jumps into their path, a rifle in hand.

"Who are you?"

"The name's Butch," says the stranger with a southern accent. "I keep these here zombies under control."

He fires mercilessly at the zombies, and a few drop dead. The rest scatter. Butch turns to you. "What do you do around here?"

"That's the thing," you say. "I don't remember."

"Well, it'll be no matter," Butch says, waving the question aside. "I've seen stranger things in these parts. How about I take you to my cabin and we can work something out?"
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