The World After: Chapter One

You stare right back at this mysterious man, wondering who he is. Of course there are many people who just do what they like around here, but not at seven in the morning. You yell at Juliet to stay inside. You pick up a pipe leftover from the water leakage in the house. You take one step closer, and the man starts walking towards you.

He is walking faster.

And faster.

You meet up with the mysterious man and he starts to growl. "WHAT THE FU-" and the man pushes you down. Droplets of blood start to drip down the pale chin of this man. These droplets add onto the blood stained lumberjack shirt. You swing the pipe right into the skull of the man.

"Jesus Christ."

This man lays dead on the beaten path of your backyard. "This isn't real," you whisper. You are trying to figure out if this is your hallucinations or real life. Something interrupts you. A life changing interruption.

The sound of Juliet's scream -
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