A Sherlock Holmes Case

You try your best to evaluate the letters on your own, and inspect them from the inside out, all the way down to the shape of the handwriting. However, you have come to no conclusion whatsoever.

Watson watches you struggle, and only chuckles to himself. "I guess even someone with a brilliant mind as you needs some help at times, right?" He shakes his head with a bit of playful smirk, and you speak to him while still looking at the letters, "Oh, you more than anyone knows that Watson. You've been stuck with me for as long as I remember."

Watson shakes his head and sighs, "That's just depressing for me, isn't it?" He continues to walk home, and turns back to look at you. "You should really go to Mercer, he would know what to do, you know." With that, he turns back around and walks home.

As much as you did not want to admit, you turn the other way, going to visit your "General Utility Man" to find out more information.
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