"Hey!" You scream. "What's going on?" people shove past you. "HEY!" You shout louder this time. A man walks up to you and shakes you hard.
"What are you, deaf? The loudspeakers just announced an evac." His stone cold eyes show urgency.
You fumble for words, but before you say anything the man looks down at your earbuds hanging down from your left pocket.
"Oh, music. Well look, after we get out of here I can tell you the rest. I can sense this crowd is getting faster."
Little did you realize that you had been walking with the crowd this whole time.
You look behind you to see a swarm of people, trying just as desperately to get out of the mall as you are. This was a popular mall, many consumers came every day to waste their money. Before turning around, you notice a bunch of really panicked people sprinting into the crowd from the back.

Your mind instantly wondered what they were sprinting from.
You turn around to face the front again. The man that talked to you was a few feet ahead, but still withing eyesight. People are squeezing through the double doors at the front of the mall.

The screams get louder. Or closer. You turn around again to see a bunch of people running away from what looks like other people, until you notice-
"LOOK OUT!" Someone shouts from nearby. A dirty, humanlike creature jumps down from the second floor and is about to land directly on you.
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