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Rover of the Sands

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Encyclopedia of Apparitions

Male Apparition (Sand Spirit): a sands-divided Individual whose dark or destructive traits manifest in the Apparition, leaving the Individual in a cleansed state. This Apparition causes the affected Individual to feel hot to the touch, sometimes febrile, and to require regular short Stimuli of pulse-raising exertion in order to prevent or postpone Dissolution. The male Sand Stimulus is most often achieved through acts of violence.

Male Apparition (Water Spirit): a sands-divided Individual whose light or constructive traits manifest in the Apparition, leaving the Individual in a soiled state. This Apparition causes the affected Individual to feel cool to the touch, to sometimes shiver and to require a regular Stimulus of cold in order to prevent or postpone Dissolution. The male Water Stimulus is most often achieved through dunking in frigid water.

Female Apparition (Sand Spirit): a sands-divided Individual whose dark or destructive traits manifest in the Apparition, leaving the Individual in a cleansed state. This Apparition causes the affected Individual to feel hot to the touch, sometimes febrile, and to require regular short Stimuli of pulse-raising exertion in order to prevent or postpone Dissolution. The female Sand Stimulus is most often achieved through vigorous sexual activity.

Female Apparition (Water Spirit): a sands-divided Individual whose light or constructive traits manifest in the Apparition, leaving the Individual in a soiled state. This Apparition causes the affected Individual to feel cool to the touch, to sometimes shiver and to require a regular Stimulus of cold in order to prevent or postpone Dissolution. The female Water Stimulus can only be achieved through complete encasement in ice and is therefore the hardest to achieve, leading to the highest percentage of Dissolutions among the four groups.
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