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cardcaptors a new evil


kero: " do you know what just happen to sakura others there need your hlep
eli: " yes i all reday know that it reday ben taken care if there future kids will come soon

sakura jr: "eli we need your hlep right away
eli: "yes i all reday know what is going on some happen in passed agian right so i will

sent you two back in time aigan after all your magic his inprofed secne your battle with toby and jackie

now time portal open good luck you two
sharoan jr: "thanks will do are best

soon sakura jr and sharoan jr jump throw the portal
sakura jr: " hold on mom we coming

sharoan jr: "i sence the two if them up head we fianly find you two
may: "will wil if it isnt sakura futrue kids you save us the tarble if time tarveling

to find you two
ben: "soon we will took your magic to brats

sakura jr: " i dont think
sakura jr kick her sandles off her feet then punchs may in her face then kick may in her

may runs at sakura jr however sakura jr jumped behidn her kick her to ground

may: " so her skills are better then her moms huh
sakura jr: " now call on powers if my sutff Key of the Star with powers burning bright,

reveal the staff and shine your light! Release! mamga card
aughhhhhhhhhhhhhh yelled may be knook to ground by blast if the heat

may: " dam her power is storng
sahroan jr: " Force know my plight, Release the light! water

the water hits ben kncoking him then sharoan jr kicked ben punched him in the face urk yelled ben spiting

sakura jr: " now lots finsh them togther bro
shroan jr: " right lots do this

may: " hahahahahahahaha
sakura jr: " huh whats so funny

sharoon jr: " ya way are you lunghing your loseing the fight
may: " we ben holding back on two are fighting skills better then yours no we will no longer hold back

ben: " now you see just how out cassed you two are
sakura jr: " wha?

may run at sakura jr punched her in face then punched her in the stomach aughh yelled sakura jr spiting then may grabed sakura jr by her hair elbowed her in the stomach then hit

her back if
her neck

sakura jr: " o my stomach there storng but i have try hard i will use all pwoer i have if that what took to sotp them

sakura jr punch may in face then kick her back
may: " what how she keep up with me

then sakura jr punched may in face again
may: "oaugh she yelled spiting
then sakura jr eblowed may in her stomach

may: "urk she yelled spiting as she fell to her knees holding her stomach

may: "dam it how can she beat beating me this make no secne I should be stronger then sakura jr is she fighting me head to like she at the some level I am no mybe stronger
I have finsh this some how

sakura jr: " haff haff pant pant then she fell to her kness

may: " huh what this wight i see she forceing her to fight harder better then she nroamly can but all that doing is makeihg her tired faster to think she trained any
more she amy be beat me but I wont lot that happen

then may kneed sakura jr in her stomach auggh yelled sakura jr holding her stomahc as she fell to her knees

then ben kicked sharoan jr to ground punch him in his face then knee him in the stomach auggh yelled sharoan jr spiting then ben elbowed sharoan jr in the stomach oaugh yelled

jr spiting
as he fell to his knees holding his stoamch

sakura jr: " way are you two doing this
sharoan jr: " ya we never did any thing to you nar did mom or dad

may: " thats where your wrong max being seaeld si what you down he stell shadow book form are master kim she wants that book back but only he knows where is you sealed him we

chold ask toby or jackie but you sealed them to so now you will all pay for ruining kim,s plans
ben: " that right your end draws nar

then may punch sakura jr in stoamch harder
sakura jr: " augh she yelled spiting o my stomach it hruts
sakura jr: " no i wont give up no this pain means noting to me

then may kick sakura jr to ground
sakura jr: " i will put every thing i have in this last punch she yelled punching may in her stomach
may: " urk she yelled spiting o my stomach it hruts to think she be able to punch me that hard no metter iv win this fight
now shadow ropes she yelled

sakura jr: " wha no
soon sakura jr arms legs war tied up in ropes

then ben kick sharoan jr in back throw him on ground
befor steping on his stomach
sharoan jr: " oaugh he used spiting o my stomach
ben: " my turn shadow ropes

sharoan jr: " no way
soon ropes tied sharoan jrs arms legs up ben pulled his shoes socks off
sakura jr sahroan jr start to stuggle

may: " hahhahahaha it.s ben fun but now we will end this
sakura jr: " mom am sorry i failed youuuuuuuuuuuuuu she yelled

may: " you two have failed however i will say this you forced me to us lot mroe magic then I had planed on useing to defeat you

may put her hand off sakura jr month
mphmphmph yelled sakura jr

then ben put hand over sharoan jr mouth
mphpmhpm yelled sharoan jr

as may ben start to abroab there magic and sweat starts to run down sakura jr sharoan jrs faces

soon may ben absobed all sakura jr sharoan jr magic then taped there months shut
soon sakura jr eyes turn whitite she fell to her knees hit ground unconscious

soon sharoan jr eyes turn whtiite he fell to his knees hit ground unconscious
then may ben picked them up throw them in magic cell with others who war stell unconscious

may: " we defeated them ben
ben: " yes we did kim will be pslesed

future sakura: " ok eli where did you sent are kids there not home so we know you had some thing do with this

furtre sahroan: " is some thing wrong in the passed agian or some thing
future eli: " yes kim a young powerfull witch sent may ben to stell there magic in revgne

for max being sealed you see kim what the book max steel form her but with him sealed she cant find it

so she want revgne your younger slefs who lost there magic war kidnap and locked in cell now it some your daughter and sun just get beat had there magic taken they war

kidnaped to
future sakura: " whaaaaaaaaaaaaat then you need to sent us back in time to save them

future sahroan: " sent us right away
future eli: " i will but you may want be on ground they may know your comnig they war

going to come here looking for your kids had they had not ben sent to passed so am srue they conting

on you two coming now time portal open good luck
futurue sakura: " thanks we will need it

future sahroan: " we made it here i can secne them uphead we can beat them for sure but kim on other hand wont be easy we just have make sure they dont team up with her or the

will defeat us
future sakura: " right lots go after them right away

kim: " with sakura sheroan and there future kids tarped every thing going as planed as soon thee future slefs get here i will took them down no one but my mom can over power

my magic by way may ben are you two sre your reday for them you look tired
may: " dont worry will be fine
ben: " ya we defeat them

kim: " you two better not dispoint me she said
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