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cardcaptors a new evil

CHAPTER 11 the batlte with the witchs part 1

kero: " there some powerfull magic at work here sakura
yue: " who ever is behind this may be ones form sakura deram

sakura: " ok here i go Key of the Star with powers burning bright, reveal the staff and shine your light! Release! firey card

sharoan: " frie Force know my plight, Release the light fire
madison: " it looks its working you have stoped the stroem and i get all on tape

meilin: " that some little to easy dont you think way wood who it is that behind this make it so ealyer

may:" so that sakrua sharoan power not bad there magic is storng
ben:" master kim will be pelesse now if we just find max he need to pay for steeling kim

shadow book

ben i know i secne him not that long ago but now we cant find him
so: "i thing had some thing has to have happend i know we keep are poweres hidden and watch sakura and her

firneds tell they tell us where to find max as kim she secne him in this town elayer
sharoan: " sakura dont you think some thing is up i mean we jsut secne eivl magic doing

that hole stroem and now i cant secne any a thing at all
sakrura: " your right sharoan we need to be on grad after deaeling with max his team mates

then we stped this stoem so we need stay togther for this after all that happen in battle with max
i mean are future kids did hlep seal him fist time he come back then 2nd time are future

slefs sealed him but this new eivl may be mroe powerfull then max was
may: " what they sealed max away kim is going to be mad

in hour late
ben: " master kim we have good news and bad news Sakura sahroan magic is rally strong

like you had hooped but it somes max was sealed away by there future kids,and future slefs that
come back in time to sotp him

kim: " whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat dam it my plans are ruined i cant get revnge on max for stelling my book if he is tarped and I wont no where my book is if he is tarped i want you stell sakrua magic leave her laying there so shraon

can feel
the pain there future kids and future slefs give me then you will make his pain go way

by stelling his magic then you took there future kids down and future slefs and then i will use my

shadow magic to put them on mind contorl so they all sever me then we just have deal with clow and sharoan mom after that we be set then no can sotp us they need to pay for ruining my

plans the magic you two have shold far sirpass that if sakura and sharoan as will there future kids but you will need my help if you want deal with there future slefs

may: " we get revgne for you kim come on ben lots go make thse barts pay
ben: " lots make are move

sakura:" wha i secne some thing two powerfull people with magic heading this away
sahroan:" sakura look up there it looks like they are here

may: " so sakura and sahroan at last we meet face to face you runed my master kims plans

sakura: " huh kim who,s that i have no ieda what your tlaking about
ben: "that is lie max was sealed way by your future kids and fturue slefs and thanks to

you kim cant get revgne on max for stelling her shadow book kim is a dissntad if one if the witchs that

get away form clow we are her sutnsdt we will make you pay
sharaon: "so you two want revgne will you wont get it we will sotp you

kero: "this time we right by are master side
yue: " toghter we will stop you two

may: " you wish now way dont i show you my power shadow form dark world hed my shadows took form if two gaints deal with kero yue

ben: " lot me tell how shadow magic works there a cass if levels
max was level 10 toby was level 5 jackei was level 7 will are master kim is level 25

may is level 17 and am level 13
max never did fully master the dark magic he lfit befor fianl cass you need to took befor

you use ture power if shadow magic
madison: " sakura mybe we better get eli for this

meilin: " ya madsion right sakura
may: " huh eli who is that

sakura: " eli is clow reincntred
ben: " whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat clow reincntired

sakura: " i dont think they will lot us wlak away form this
may: " your dran right your not leaveing this fight tell one if us loses the one that

going to lose is you sakura
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