Maybe if I wait long enough, another option might become available. I think about who to call for a job opening when my phone suddenly vibrates. "Yes?" I say, answering the call.
"It's Gemma," a now familiar voice says. "There's a job opening at the university library. Are you interested?"
"Karen told me about your job. It's good to know you both have easily found openings."
"It pays to know people!"
"What's that library job like?"
"Doesn't require much skill. Just be there tomorrow if you are interested."
"Okay, can you text me the details, just in case I decide to go?"
"Thanks... bye." I hang up and ponder my next move.
Which job do I choose?
"It's Gemma," a now familiar voice says. "There's a job opening at the university library. Are you interested?"
"Karen told me about your job. It's good to know you both have easily found openings."
"It pays to know people!"
"What's that library job like?"
"Doesn't require much skill. Just be there tomorrow if you are interested."
"Okay, can you text me the details, just in case I decide to go?"
"Thanks... bye." I hang up and ponder my next move.
Which job do I choose?