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The Fire

You cannot remember how long you have been walking in the darkness. Keeping track of time is difficult in the endless blackness. The only thing that keeps you going are the bright flames of the fire, growing ever closer. You can even make out the yellow, orange, and crimson of the flames now, about an hour's walk ahead of you.

Not long after, you come across a curious find lying on the ground: a large suit of armor. It looks to be in good condition, consisting of a complete set, from helm to sabaton, and is just sitting there on the ground, waiting for someone to pick it up and put it on. It appears to be made of heavy steel. It would be the perfect thing to protect you from further murderous cutthroats. Inspecting the suit of armor more closely, you find that it is all one piece. Each component is riveted together with the next. It seems that it would be a bit clumsy to put on.

You notice a book resting next to the suit of armor. Reflecting the light from the fire off it, the cover reads, "The Holy Bible." A note sticks out of the side of it. It reads, "I will rescue you. Renounce your sins and pray to me. I will deliver you to safety."

Out of the corner of your eye, you spot something else. A pile of small plastic objects litter the ground. You walk closer and see that they are ... LEGOs! Your favorite childhood toy! Just like your old sets that you played with when you were a child, here are countless pieces of different shapes and sizes, including LEGO minifigures, animals, and weapons. You cannot help but feel an urge to play with them.
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