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The Fire

At last, you have almost arrived at the fire. You can feel the warmth of the heat dancing on your face. It is but a few more paces away. Your excitement grows with every step.

Without warning, a gigantic wall of ice instantaneously materializes in front of you.

You look up for the top of the wall. It is impossible to tell where the wall ends and the darkness begins.

Did the fire magically create this wall to keep you out? Is someone tricking you? How did you come to be in this place anyway? Why are you even here?

The immense ice wall is a daunting sight. You look left and right, and the solid wall stretches as far as your eyes can see in both directions. You take a few steps back to get a better angle, but the wall still extends beyond your vision on both sides.

There is nothing left to do except to try to chip away at the magical wall of ice. You pull out the blade that you had taken from the cloaked assassin.

You have 1 choice:

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