Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold

Two Sides

Raz heads to Glassheim alone despite having no permission from Biggs to do so. Glassheim is a quiet place and is infamous for having the largest monsters creeping during nighttime. Very dirty, a putrid smell coming from the graves of the dead, it's indeed a place no one wants to be in. Raz is terrified as he approaches the double doors while at the same time, thinking of what Jeffrey told him. As Raz opens the big door, he saw an injured SOLDIER operative tending to his own wounds. He approached him.

"What happened?" Raz rushes to the injured operative.
"Raz!? Wh.. what are you doing here?" The operative surprised.
"I was asked to check this area out. I didn't realize that SOLDIER has already taken this mission. What is going on here?" Raz asked.
"Raz, you must not go any further. There's trouble ahead. A huge beast woke up and started to tear this place up. Corpses and monsters started to rise up as well due to the noise that beast made. We are no match to them." The operative warning Raz.
"I need to go. I'll help when I can. Here, take this medicine." Raz handed the medicine.
"Call SOLDIER and request for some assistance. Tell them I'm here as well. I'll handle the mission." Raz ended.

The operative drank the medicine and asked for some assistance to SOLDIER. Raz then proceeded further. Along the way, Raz sees more SOLDIER operatives fighting off the dead and helps them. A rabid dog pounced on Raz but he luckily dodged it and was killed. The operatives told Raz to go down further and help the rest. There, he saw the huge beast the injured operative was talking about earlier. Caged, the beast stared scarily at them. He asked them.

"So the beast was caged, the injured operative I encountered told me that it was released and started to destroy this place." Raz wanting some confirmation.
"Yes but the beast took out most of us until a hooded man came here and casted a spell that dropped a cage from the ceiling. We had no idea where he came from, because he wasn't here when we came." The operative replied.
"A hooded man!? Wait, I encountered him somewhere. He told me to go here. I didn't realize he would go here as well." Raz was surprised.
"Raz, did you say he told you to go here? Could have been a coincidence." The operative asked.
"Yes but whatever that is, I have to clear the evil at this place. I believe he was talking about that huge behemoth there." Raz pointed at the caged beast.

After the conversation, more dead rose and monsters came out of nowhere and started to pounce on them together. Raz used one of the bullets Jeffrey gave him and fired at them. It was effective. After the short battle, Jeffrey came out. He was happy to see Raz.

"Raz! Good to see you here and your buddies at SOLDIER! I've come to help you. So I caged this behemoth so it won't do any harm to you all because I know you fight for the good. This behemoth is evil. Very bad. It is just right that he is caged for his wrongdoings!" Jeffrey pretending to be very happy.
"That's nice of you. It's good to know we are safe from trouble. Thanks." Raz said in a soft tone.
"Safe? This behemoth isn't safe when it's not yet dead. You have to kill it so it won't bother you anymore. Use what I gave you." Jeffrey happily remarked.
"You mean these special bullets?" Raz showed the bullets that was given to him.
"Of course! Aim it right so it's all over!" Jeffrey remarked.

Raz aimed at the behemoth and successfully landed a shot however it seems that it hasn't die yet. Jeffrey told him to use all the bullets and Raz did. The behemoth was slain.

"Good work SOLDIER! You got rid of that evil creature." Jeffrey deceiving SOLDIER.
"Indeed. Couldn't have done it without your help." Raz expressing another gratitude.
"I know. However, there's one more thing that evil is present here. Raz, I want you to do it again." Jeffrey in a changed tone.
"And what is that? You can't be serious!" Raz seemingly surprised.
"It's not yet done. That's not what you came here for. I want you to kill those men at your sides. They are evil! Get rid of them!" Jeffrey revealing his true intentions. He then drew his wand and casted a spell that locked Raz's teammates in chains gripped so tightly. SOLDIER was deceived.
"Now, Raz. I want you to slay these people. Join forces with the dark side and forget about SOLDIER!" Jeffrey commanding Raz as he glorifies himself in the pedestal. He continues to raise his wand to keep his dark spell active.

Jeffrey exclaimed the words angrily. Raz then glanced at his teammates, as they show signs of agony and pain whilst in chains. Now Raz has to make a decision.

The choice made in this branching chapter affects which story you'll be heading to. Soon, I will make it so that each branching chapter will lead into a different ending.
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