Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold

Loyalty Was A Must

Raz rejects the offer and drew his blade. He rushes forward and slashed the wand in half, destroying it in the process. The chains were released and his comrades were set free.

"How dare you reject such an offer? Bold move." Jeffrey exclaimed with anguish as he immediately flees the ruins.

Raz then confronted his fellow comrades and told them to always remain in SOLDIER with honor and dignity. Afterwards, more monsters started coming out from the crypts as it begins to crumble. They were able to get out in one piece. Raz and his men reached HQ. He immediately reported to Biggs.

"Sir, I think I know who is behind this mutation." Raz said as he runs up to Biggs.
"And how did you come to that conclusion?" Biggs politely asked.
"The old crypt, Glassheim was filled with vile monsters. The lost former SOLDIER operative, Jeffrey is behind this. A SOLDIER group was dispatched there and got severely wounded. They're being

tended right now in the emergency rooms.
" Raz exhaustedly exclaimed.
"I see. So Jeffrey is behind all these. That's why he left SOLDIER to form his own renegade forces. And Glassheim?" Biggs asked. He continually flips his pen as he thinks of the situation Jeffrey has put SOLDIER into.
"It's gone. The evil creatures lurking in there crumbled it into ruins." Raz replied.
"I see. We'll need more investigations about this matter so we can protect our men. Thank you for the report." Biggs dismissing Raz.

Raz kept his loyalty with SOLDIER promptly. He was given time off to spend his time with other matters. He left HQ and headed home after a hectic schedule. He soon headed home on the apartment he lives along with his friends and some colleagues. There, he talks about the past days' experience.

"So Raz, how was work? You seem to be exhausted." Nizz asked as she glances by the window.
"Yeah. Your group is so serious about honor, loyalty and such. What is it anyway?" Billy added.
"It's a hectic schedule. Work is really frustrating. You tend to be down, sometimes you tend to be up. You feel like you're being killed from the inside. Stressful duties. I met this strange man who is trying to put me away from SOLDIER, influencing me to turn back to my people. I didn't believe in him. He is evil inside, I know." Raz explained as he drank the coffee.
"Who's that strange man?" Kim asked.
"A hooded guy named Jeffrey who was behind the mutation on our mission. He's a former SOLDIER operative we've been searching for. We lost one of our leaders in a desperate effort to destroy the monsters. Worst, I killed him." Raz said.
"Wait, why would you kill your own friend? That's just sick!" Billy being surprised.
"He got... infected. Some mutation can turn you into something unreal. You'll never be yourself anymore. You'll never be like a human anymore. You'll be a monster and that's what happened to him. For us to survive, we had to kill those who got infected. We had no choice." Raz answered as he looked down.
"Sad. I wonder when will we get rid of this corruption?" Nizz asked as she starts to sit down.
"I'm pretty sure we can't tell, Nizz. Unless you join the group." Kim said.
"What!? I have no guts to be in SOLDIER! I can't fight like Raz." Nizz replied.
"Haha, I know. I was kidding, don't worry." Kim said as he patted Nizz on the back.


Flashback scene: FROM CHAPTER VI

"You still believe that you could rid evil from our world? There are so many bad things right now that you're group will not be able to do." Jeffrey explained as he walks around and points to the corpses near the area.
"Evil will exist but the good will perish like dust. We can work this out. Join us and I'll help you get rid of the "Evil" your group is trying to achieve. The evil is within them!" Jeffrey added.
"You won't convince me to do that! We seek justice and rid that evil for good. Not to spread the evil around." Raz defended.
"SOLDIER has a lot of goals to achieve. They seek justice yet they do it the hard way. They get rid of evil yet there are a lot of obstacles on the way. They remove impurities yet they are lacking the manpower they need to do such. You work hard for the missions yet when a single mistake was committed during the operation, you get scolded by your masters telling you that you failed to do your mission. Isn't that annoying and painful to hear at times? You work because you wanted to please the master and you ended up losing his respect. That's not good for business." Jeffrey further added.

"Heh. I was thinking of the same thing, Nizz. Evil, that's...everywhere. That's what Jeffrey told me." Raz said as he thought about his encounter with Jeffrey.
"Oh c'mon, guys! Enough with the sentimental moments. Whatever that is, it must be stopped. Simple." Billy giving them encouragement.
"It ain't simple, Billy. We need to destroy the source. That will remove the evil." Raz said softly.
"Oh ok. We should sleep now. It's dark and it's getting late. Goodnight!" Billy said as everyone went to sleep.

They eventually went to sleep. As the night passes, they slept humbly.

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