Reality Shift

You again? Seriously? Yeah, it's me, Usoki.

I wouldn't let you progress through the story without meeting Vince, and so now you're trying to delete him? Is that it? Or do you just think that it's funny to try and mess with things like this? Vince is an important character to the story. You can't just go and delete him!

Look, I know that Isaac has near-omnipotent control over his house, and so it's kind of hard to translate that into the CYOA format. I picked a list of options which one might reasonably think of. Those options exist only to show that, yes, the author has put consideration into the things you might want to do. That doesn't mean you should actually do them. I mean, seriously! You're trying to kill someone just because they're insulting you? You do understand that that's what you were going to do, right? If you delete Vince, you will have killed him.
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