Reality Shift

Isaac made a beeline for the door, but Vince was taking in the sights. "I still can't believe your Hub Central is a physical location..." he said, watching the receptionist assign door variables. "It's so... inefficient."

"Yeah, well... what's the harm? What else are we going to do with our time? Currency is earned by serving people- does it matter if it's the private or public sector?"

"I... guess not," said Vince, stroking his chin. "What about those people over there?" Vince pointed at a group of people, staging a protest in an area specially cordoned off from the rest of Hub Central.

"Oh, those guys," said Isaac, rolling his eyes. "They're militant humanists. They believe that the Post-Humanist revolution never happened."

"I... what?"

"Exactly," said Isaac, nodding his head in agreement. "The fact that we can shape reality around us is just proof of... umm, something about actualizing the world we want to see around us."

"But... we have written history of the great digitalization. There are debug and setup files dated before the earliest person was made. How can you deny that evidence?"

"The same way you can argue that fossils are tricks made by the devil," said Isaac, with a shrug. "Variables and simple data manipulation is fine, because that's just a manifestation of our inherent magical powers. But anyone who has been compressed into a stream of data can't be trusted anymore, because they've proven that they're not real people, just illusions and simulations."

"So... it's like Humanism and Solipsism had a retarded crack child together?"

"That about sums it up," said Isaac, with a laugh. "C'mon, lemme show you my house. Then we can use it as a base of operations to decide what simulations to participate in."

"Sounds good. Lead the way!"

Isaac approached one of the exterior doors, and waited his turn to approach the console. Door==#Isaac's_Bitchin_Sweet_House_Hell_Yeah, he typed into the monitor.

"Nice name," said Vince, looking over his shoulder.

"Yeah, well... shut up," replied Isaac, gesturing him through the door.
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