Reality Shift

"Well, are you going to sit down?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"," said Isaac, backing away slowly. "I don't want to go back so soon. I just got here!"

"Trent, don't be stupid," she said, in a soothing voice. "Just a few more servers, and then we can both go home for the day. The longer you stall, the worse things are going to get."

"I don't care!" Isaac yelled. He ran out of the room, throwing the door shut behind him. To his surprise, the door latched shut with a click. Did they have locks on the other side? Had he been trapped inside that room this whole time?

Isaac took off at a dead sprint, thankful that the hallway was mostly empty. There were few people in his way; most of them were still seated in their cubicles. He scanned the large open room, looking for an exit. Instead, he noticed a squadron of what looked like security guards trying to intercept his position.

Taking a sharp right around the corner, Isaac stayed close to the outer walls, his best bet for an exit. He looked around for any signs that might help- emergency exit signs, or directions to an elevator.

"Trent! In here!" shouted a voice to his left.

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