Zombie Apocalypse.

Your vehicle runs over zombies and crushes undead skulls as you speed through the small neighborhood, trying not to let any zombies break into your windows.
You park the car for a brief moment.

You look at your partners, who nervously look back at you. You say, "If things get out of hand, you have the right to abandon me. The question is, do I have that right as well?"

Your teammates hesitate, and then, one by one, they begin to nod solemnly in agreement.

"In advance... I mean, in the event of a worst case scenario, I want to say that it's been quiet the adventure. I'm gonna miss you guys... All of you. Let's go!"

In a burst of energy, you all bolt out of the car. You, of course, are the speediest among them.

You dash into the closest vehicle. It won't start. Zombies start to press against the windows. You narrowly escape with no harm but a few ripped articles of clothing.

The next vehicle you bolt into starts up, and you immediately head west, running over zombies the entire way. You keep an eye out for any of your comrades, but none of them can be seen. Getting a little choked up, you speed out of the town.

Night falls, and suddenly it's quiet.

You have 1 choice:

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