YOU save the entire Universe!

You stagger towards the door. At least, you think it's a door. You walk right into it and crash right through.
It turns out to be a window.
You look down at the rapidly approaching street below. You had walked right through the window and out onto... nothing. And you were on the 10th floor. You plummet towards the tarmac below you. You still haven't really realised what has happened. All you know is that you are no longer in a hospital.
"Jerk crap!" you think.
The impact is larger than you expected. Your massive bulk hit's the pavement at 120mph. There is a massive CRASH! The ground gets crushed under your massive bulk. Bits of tarmac fly in all directions. You hear a car alarm sound. But that's just about all you hear. Whithin seconds you have totally blacked out.

You have 1 choice:

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