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The Empire has existed for around a half a millennium, give or take a decade. The history of it gets muddier the further back the one tries to search, in fact it’s pretty much impossible for anyone to do so that isn’t high up in the power structure in some way assuming anyone was inclined to do so. The Empire has done a fairly good job of rewriting history as the years have gone on.

For example, barely anyone knows that the Empire was once called the Qualan Empire centuries ago (Named after its province of origin Quala) however someone believed that eliminating the provincial part of the title made it sound more impressive and encompassing, so it became known as just “The Empire” and its been known that way ever since.

A similar situation arose with the names of various emperors, the idea of an unseen and unnamed emperor created a more mysterious and even ominous figure. So “The Emperor” came about. However, given that the Empire has existed for a very long time, and no emperor has ever been seen by the average citizen or even by those in the upper echelons of the hierarchy for centuries, it is unknown how many emperors there actually have been, but the propaganda gives the impression of a single undying emperor.

Not many really question it and most just believe themselves to be under the rule of a godlike entity. While there is no active “worship” involved there is a great deal of loyalty and obedience drilled into the heads of most so much that it almost becomes as fanatical as a religion, especially for those in the military. (Conversely, any “genuine” religion that may pop up is frowned upon. If it isn’t too intrusive, it will be tolerated, but openly revering any sort of gods over the Emperor is generally not recommended)

Rewriting history even extends to the conquered, perhaps even more so. The Empire will always attempt to slowly erase any sort of “culture” the conquered may have had, until it gets to the point where the future generations know nothing of their true past. This is easier to do with human subjects and it isn’t surprising that humans make up most of the Empire’s population, however there are smaller portions of non-humans that live under the Empire’s shadow. Non-humans usually aren’t treated as equals and are regarded with suspicion most of the time; in fact they are usually serving as slaves. However, even some non-humans can rise to a comfortable position assuming they prove themselves being of great use to the Empire such as orcs and their great strength and willingness to serve in the military.

The entire truth of the Empire may never be fully known as long as the current power structure lasts, but that has been becoming less of a certainty as the decades have gone on. While most in the core regions of the Empire still believe their civilization to be in a golden age that will never end, the reality is a little closer to home to those on the outskirts of the Empire. The Empire has started to rot from the inside with incompetence, decadence, and outright self-harmful actions by some of those in power and those that suffer the most are the average citizens.

Doubt in Empire has existed for a lot longer and is more wide spread than the Empire would like anyone to believe. There have always been those of a rebellious mindset, whether they are conquered people that never truly assimilated, or just normal citizens that suspect there is something “more” to their lot in life, they are always there. And lately, they’ve been becoming more numerous and spreading like a plague in its first stages, it doesn’t help that the Empire is over extended and has in recent years encountered a strong rival in the form of the Felkan Kingdom, which is apparently a power on the rise, and even exceeding the Empire in terms of advances in technology. An area in which gave the Empire one of its greatest advantages, but now has started to lag like so many of its other former accomplishments.

The Empire currently still maintains its direct control mostly by a pure show of might through their large military, magical guardians like golems, and their greatly feared not so secret enforcers the Shadow Guard. Still even with these advantages, a need for something even greater is required to ensure the Empire’s dominance.

That something is a long shot, but if it is successful then it will be an ETERNAL solution to all the Empire’s problems.

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