The Galactic Adventures of Pierce Darkblade

The battle in the capital city was only the beginning. You tell Baldee that day he needs to incite revolutions in the other Freevian cities. The tactic used with the shovel bots is repeated in every major Freevian city, with Baldee leading the charge in every fight. If he's not there physically he is advising other revolutionaries through communications. You stay and assist the newly formed democracy of Freevus for 6 months. Most cities surrender quickly, some fight back tenaciously, but after its all said and done you and Baldee's goal of a free Freevus has finally been acheived.

Baldee is easily elected as the planets first president, you are also held in high esteem by most Freevians earning the honorary title of "Foreign Freedom Advisor". You feel you have accomplished all you can for the people of this planet, you head to the council chamber to speak with Baldee for the last time.

Upon entering the chamber, you enter a conference room with Baldee who is all alone in the room, smiling as you enter.

"My dear friend Pierce! To what do I owe the honor today?"
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