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You take aim for the ankles, or wrists, whatever hoping you'll be able to slow it down if you hit it with enough precision.

You fire, the shot rings out like a siren and much to your horror you miss. Again and again you fire, hoping to make a hit when it's suddenly too close for you to hope to escape.

Your face pales, your heart stops, and the beast takes a hand bloodied and dripping from a shot that had nicked it and grabs you by the front of your shirt lifting you off the ground.

"Filthy human..." one of the heads growls snapping it's jaws at you. "We should tear you limp from limp and devour you!"

"No..." Another hisses, it's neck wrapping around yours it's head against yours, breathing in your scent thick with fear. "We should drag it out slow and painful... make the little worm scream in agony..." It offered running a thick wet black tongue over your face making you shiver in disgust.

"Or you could die like the demon scum you are." Another voice offers before seven shot ring out-- perfect aim, perfect hits, blood splatters all over you as the creature falls dead to the ground dropping you to the ground.

Your eyes are wide and shocked as you stare at the perfect bullet holes in each forehead.

"If you don't want to be eaten alive, I suggest you follow me." The mystery person snaps, you turn to look at said person only to see a tall slim figure dressed in a long worn coat, dirty jeans and worn leather boots and a hat obscuring your view of him. "And don't slow me down or I'll kill you myself."

Do you...
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