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"If you don't remember exactly what we're going to do, I'll tell you again now." Alex looked from face to face of his partners. "These dumbasses think they can take millions of innocent lives from our system. We get in there, use all stealth possible, and infiltrate the base. My bet is that they'll know we're here, so we should be on high alert. We're not here to take pictures, but you better have your cameras around to look around corners."
"Hey, Alex," Bernice said, smirking. "We're not in basic training. I think we can handle ourselves in combat." She looked at David and Morgan. They both nodded, looking back to Alex.
"Wow, thanks woman!" he said sarcastically. "Anyway, we're going to have to take down any escape ships they put up and conserve ammo. David, when you get your suit on, have two extra ammo drums."
"No problem," David said, smiling at the fact that he got to carry more ammunition.

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