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War!: Misfits v.s. the Syndicate!

"Hey," you call, turning to face the three teens, who turn to you. "Leave the guy alone!" This angers the middle guy, who looked exactly your age. Snorting, he slowly walks up to you. "Watch it, runt. This doesn't involve you." he said, resting a hand on your table. The other two teens begin to attack the man! You jump up to help, but the thug near you reaches out, and a shining diamond blade extends from his arm!!!
"Don't interfere." he muttered, smirking at the look on your face. He was a mutant! They were attacking an innocent man!!! You see that the man couldn't(or wasn't) fighting back. Clenching your teeth, your heart bumps faster in your chest. If they were all mutants, you might get killed trying to help! What do you do!? 'Be quick,' you think. His life may depend on it.
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