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War!: Misfits v.s. the Syndicate!

You listen to the man. The assault continue, and you are helpless to watch. In a flash of an eye, the other trench coated person, a Latina woman, throws off her coat. Pulling out a deck of cards, she engages the attackers. You blush slightly, as you imagine the sheer stupidity of what HER power may be. You visualize a power you have read in a comic book...
The cards glow white, and they transform into steel, card-shaped blades! She throws them with deadly accuracy, and they pierce one one of the man's skulls. The other man dodged, miraculously, and thrust his hand forward, seemingly using telekinesis to send the woman out of the diner window. A knife appears into the man's neck, and with a sharp twist, blood shoots out. Collapsing, he shakes uncontrollably. The trench coated man did it! Smiling at the final thug, he speaks in a Brooklyn accent. "Now you see me..." he turns invisible, apparently stunning the thug. Another pocket knife is thrown, this time into the thug's jugular. Blood shoots all over the diner, on you, and on the invisible man. The blood shows his demented smile. " you die." The man looks at you.

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