The Adventure of Adventurely Adventuring!

After wasting valuable energy running for that water, you suddenly realize it was a mirage, and you scream in anger. You can't walk any further, your arms dangling, you shuffle across the sand, you feel like ending this madness. 'Madness? THIS. IS. SPARTAAA!!' You requote your favourite film of all time. Except. You only like the part he kicks the black guy into obvlivion. Not because he's black, but because his nose and right brow is pierced. You can't believe you're walking through a desert right now. You wish to go no further and just bury yourself in the sand, but how will you even dig? You stumble forth, in hope that you'll find some kind of civilisation, at least some people. 'Hey, what if Jesus was riding in the desert right now?' You frown, that joke was so uncalled for and unfunny.

After about half-and-hour of walking, you spot yet another pond up ahead. And you KNOW this time it's a mirage. I mean. What's a pond doing in the middle of the desert?

You also see a piece of something reflecting the sun, protruding from the earth. Metal, it could be anything. It's most likely a mine. But hey, this is the desert, you have nothing to lose.
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