
HOLY CRAP!!!!!!! "WHATS LONG WITH YOUR EARS!?!?" you yell,your misuse of words and screaming both confuses and surprises her. She is infuriated by your reaction when she turns around raising her hand as if to strike you and is seized by her throat by a large veiny arm. Following the arm up to the source you find that it is attached to a man on horseback. He is clothed with knight's armour, his tabard baring the symbol of a black crescent moon. From the looks of him he has seen his share of battle. "So little elf you didn't believe that I wouldn't find you after escaping from my slave pen did u wench!?!" spoke the bald headed warrior as he slowly lifted her to be face to face with him. "I could use another toy for my chambers and this time you wont escape." She says "I would die before i soiled myself with the likes of you!" ended by her spitting in his face. "You are a rare delicacy like the Draconis flower, beautiful as the winter's sky...AWW!" she bites down hard on his forearm tearing flesh from which he barely winces, he continues"and vicious like a tiger it would seem. " grabbing her with both hands round her throat" but soon you will be as tame as a kitten when I'm thru." not a second after she blacks out and he drops her and begins dismounting...
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