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Another Monday Morning

You climb out of your car and make a dive off the face of the cliff, is that phone REALLY this important to you..?? You're diving, rocks await you below, you're still falling, your arms outstretched, trying to reach for your phone, you manage to touch it, causing it to further fall, faster than it already was, well done. Idiot. You fall until the rocks come up to meet your chest, your ribs crack underneath you, and you feel as your head smacks against the solid rock. Your phone, at least, drops onto your head causing further pain, and it bounces onto your right hand, you grab it with what energy you have left.'ve got your phone at least...Somehow you survived, not even unconsious, you're pretty much lucky for a guy that has just jumped off a cliff. You wondered what your funeral would be like. "We gather here today, to bury a man with great honor, a noble sacrifice. This man sacrificed himself for his best friend, Samsung, Samsung is still alive to this day, but his hero passed. Rest in Peace..idiot." Well, at least you're not going to have a funer-
The cliff was sloped, and you left your handbrake off..your car rolled off slowly, it dropped and head first it plummeted to the rocks. It landed on your head, you die on impact.

End Of Story