Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Will you die or fall in love?

You woke up in a strange room with one window and it was completely empty...exsept you where tied to a bed...your hands bound to the head board and feet tied together....and a gag was in your mouth keeping you from making any screams for help...shurly you were going to die here.

The door swung open and your eyes went wide.....there stood the most hansom and sexeist guy you had ever seen in your life...

He wore no shirt and his musels curved on his body...his face was cute and boyish but his eyes were dark and sinester....his hair slightly unkempt and a mess atop his beautiful head but it worked for him...

when realizing you were kidnapped by a sexy god you felt the panic melt away and instead felt bashful infront of him.

He walked close to you and touched your leg with his finger tips...almost like he was measuring it...

"Hmm..." he voice was smooth but cute sounding...

"Wonderful...This will do nicely."

At frst your thought it was a compliment but when he pulled out a marker and started drawing little dashed around your leg you panicked....he was going to cut it off!!

What will you do!?
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