
rolling over to your back as softly as you can and inching toward the handle so as not to be detected you begin your approach. the man looks over his shoulder towards you, you lie motionless. convinced, he goes back to driving. Quickly you begin reaching, extending for it but you can't quite get it. "harder.." you think "I have to do this." you reach out with everything you've got and grasp around it tightly "YES AAHAHHHAHHHHHHHhhhhhhh" only to receive an electric shock. it fries you for a good ten seconds before you are launched to the back of the cage.... "Ah hahahaha gets'em everytime" bellowed the driver "You should have seen your face!!" showering you with spit and chunks of onion. "serves you right for tryin to man handle Trixi" he finishes by hocking a big one on your neck and head.
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