The Galactic Adventures of Pierce Darkblade

All this waiting bores you to tears.

"Begin firing the LAZORS!" You shout on the bridge.

"At...what Captain?" Commander Fraglon asks you puzzled, as is the rest of the crew.

You are angered by the inqusition, "Am I the Captain of this ship or not? FIRE ALL MY LAZORS!!"

"Aye aye Captain Darkblade..." Your Secuirty officer states.

The Pachyderm begins to fire its laser cannons wildly into space, obviously hitting nothing.

Suddenly a large bleeping noise is heard from the computer. Lt. Mason turns toward you eyes wide with terror.

"Sir! A meteor is heading right for our position!"

You sternly look at him. "We must of given our position away to the enemy...but we have revealed them as well. FIRE ALL MAH LAZORS!!!"

The Pachyderm fires its lasers at the meteor, but the meteor is coming too fast and slams into the Pachyderm, destroying it with ease. You die, engulfed in flames, screaming.
End Of Story