The Gladiator

You jump off your horse and draw out your weapon.

"What are you doing?" Nami hisses. "We should be getting out of here!"

"I'm gonna face my brother once and for all!" you cry angrily. "I can't run."

"Well, good luck with that!" Nami snaps in annoyance, and then she jumps onto your horse and rides off!

"What the-," you scream, turning just in time to see the cloud of dust that Nami leaves behind. You then indulge in screaming an assortment of naughty words at her dust trail before Velkadin is upon you.

The fight was pretty short, in all honesty.

Velkadin quickly defeats you, and soon you are laying in the dirt, breathing hard and very beat up.

"You're lucky I didn't kill you, Dengian." Velkadin says, spitting at you venemously. "Believe me, I considered it. Now get your pathetic self back to the manor and let that teach you NEVER to cross me again. Next time, I won't think twice about slitting your throat."
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