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Sonai, is your best friend and a fellow kinetic. You both met during your Coalition sponsored obligatory psionic training(Called C'al solbon otkobhi pairo tye by some trainees[the Kobol language equivalent of "moronic virgin"]). You and him met on the first day, as you had to sit next to each other on the shuttle to the training center. During that time, your telepathy caused you both to "imprint" upon each other, as you both were the first kinetics you had been able to bond with.

During training, the two of you quickly became near-inseperable and often competed to see who would be a better kinetic. You both graduated top of class simultaneously, the only time ever two individuals have done so.

You have gained each others respect multiple times during various operations and life threatening events, starting with the events of a small conflict with a group of pirates, which was your "final exam". The two of you managed to destroy an entire outpost,by yourselves, while the rest of the 37 graduates were dealing with one of the same size.

Afterwards, the two of you were used on the front--lines of the first galaxy wide war, taking place between the Coalition, and the Peripheral Alliance, a faction of exiled veterans, criminals, and hundreds of space pirate groups. All working with Gonro, a crustacean species nicknamed space lobsters"

You were both re-assigned to a group of elite operatives that took only the most dangerous or important missions. you both excelled in that capacity, and turned the tide of the final invasion of the Gonro home-system.

Now, just over one terran year after the end of the war, you both were assigned to the "Luminous project", an attempt to communicate with simple bacterial organisms on viridian and the other neighboring worlds, so as to locate massive aether deposits comtained within the planets and organisms themselves.
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