The Gladiator

You continue to ride away into the prairie until Akenvie is far behind you. Then, when you're sure it's safe, you slow your horse's gallop to a steady canter.

"Whooo, we sure showed him!" Nami shouts in jubilation, stretching her arms out to the sky. You ignore her and concentrate on directing your horse.

"I know about a cave not too far from here." you say. "It's pretty well hidden and we can talk in peace. I'm not taking you an inch further until you explain all the fine print to me."

"You're so suspicious, Gladiator." she says with a half-smile. "Does your psychotic brother know about this cave?"

You hesitate.

"I don't know." You reply after a moment.

"Then are you sure it's a safe place to go? Maybe we should just continue on and I can explain on the way."

You hesitate again, uncertain.
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