The Gladiator

"Let's get outta here!" you shout to your horse, before spurring it ahead and leaving the lone rider in the dust. It isn't long before the rider you saw is far in the distance, and you breathe a bit easier now.

You ride for a few more days, passing over the Hillocks and over miles of open plain, before entering the small fishing villiage of Kevlar. Kevlar is on the coast of the Sesmurian Sea, in the middle of which is a giant island. It is on this island where the Ulkombai Training School is located. The School of Warriors.

You ride into town hesitantly and look around. There are people bustling about their daily business, and you let your eyes wander over to the Sesmurian Sea. You can see the mist swirling about the peaks of the distant island. Supply canoes are traveling back and forth, with bluish lanterns swinging from the prow and stern of the boats even though it's broad daylight.

You look around the busy villiage, feeling a bit overwhealmed.
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