The Gladiator

The crowd is going wild! You've won your first fight with Velkadin! You march out of the arena surrounded by fans who clap you on the back and congratulate you for your victory.
You parade down the street in your battle-worn armor and burst into the local tavern, the Killar Hybrad.
"I won!" you shout, and the whole tavern erupts into cheers.
"Pints on me!" you shout and, of course, that makes them cheer louder.
"Not for you, Dengian!" Spade, the bartender shouts. "I'm buying for you! Well done, boy!"
"Thanks, mate!" you shout back.

You party for a few hours until you notice that girl from the arena is sitting in a corner, watching you carefully. You don't paticularly like the way she's looking at you, now that you think on it...
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