The Island of Destiny

Well uhh, those engravings don't sound very good. And you're a little freaked out enough with what's going on to want and venture into some lunatic's crazy cave. You begin to back up to the entrance, cursing yourself for going so far to begin with. The torch light remains a lonely flicker in the dark cave where suddenly it becomes all too real how close you may be away from instant death.

You feel like you can't reach the front of the cave quick enough. You quickly walk but you do not dare yourself the final breakout sprint to the finish. There's no telling who or what you could awaken.

Then from behind, you hear a low-pitched "Ehererereh"

You stop. Standing there for a moment in the darkness, frozen, you listen painfully for any further sounds. What was that? You don't hear anything else, and before you can think further you're racing towards that light outside.

Before you make it though, a dark shape passes by the entrance and you come to a complete stop again. You're positive you just saw a shadow flicker across the light but was it enough to worry about? It only seemed to happen for an instant of a second.

"Heyhheyhehyehehyehehyeheyeh!" calls a voice and on the outside cliff a figure jumps down. Immediately, you are frozen in fear. Here stands a man, no clothes but a pair of dirty brown pants cut off at the knee. He has bad skin and oily hair, made all the more gruesome by his bulging eyes, which looked as if they were soaking in this sunlight for the first time in years. His tongue hangs dumbly at the side of his mouth, and he stoops down with a serious hunch, enough that he can almost rest his elbow on his bony knee.

Oh, and in his right hand he also holds a crude, jagged stone dagger. You'd put money on it that he carved it himself.

So you find yourself standing face-to-face with the lunatic. You suppose this is what you get for leaving the beach in the first place. He blinks awkwardly and tilts his head to the side; his face however gives you no inclination of what he's thinking.

You try and find your voice. "Listen," you mutter "Please, don't hurt me. I don't know why I'm here, honest."

He does not speak for at least a full minute. You begin to plan your next move, which is deciding whether to run back into the cave or trying to run past him. You are about to pick one of those choices when all of a sudden, he does speak up.

"Only if you help me!" he shouts at you.

"What?" you ask.

He then surprises you yet again and breaks out into a hideous, gruesome laughter. "Only if you help me! Only if you help me! Only if you help me!"

He repeats this chant and keeps looking back at you, tears staining his strung-out blue eyes.

"Er...what do you want me to help you with?"
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