The Gladiator

"Hello." she replies flatly. "I see that Velkadin is still undefeated."
"There's nothing I can do about that!" you retort, trying to defend yourself.
"I could see that." she said. "And now, knowing Velkadin, he's probably out to kill you."
"Yeah, so I'd better be going, don't you think?" you say quickly, swinging yourself up onto your horse. "So good day madam, it was nice talking with y-,"
"Dengian, wait." she says, grabbing your ankle firmly. "My name is Nami Demuriel. I was sent from August City to investigate you."
"Investigate me?" you ask, confused.
"Your talent as a gladiator is astonishing; surpassed only by your brother. I was sent by the Five Princes to enlist you. They think you have potential."
Your breath catches in your throat as you realize the magnitude of what she had just said. The Five Princes - also known as "The Royal Family" ruled the country under the King. Actually, they were the King's five sons. The most powerful men in the country, next to the King himself.
"Potential for what?" you stammer,
"Espionage. Warrior. They have their own plans for you."
There is a small pause.
"Let me come with you!" she says. "I can tell you more about it when you're safe from Velkadin."
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