The Gladiator

"Fighting and causing pain for mere sport is wrong. I will not stay here any longer." you say.
Velkadin blinks in astonishment.
"What are you, some kind of peace-keeper?" he snaps in fury. "We are Gladiators, the most powerful men in the country next to the Princes. Do you want to throw all that away?"
"I've made my descision." you say, taking a step back. Velkadin glowers.
"Get out." he says slowly, pointing toward the exit. "Get out, and never come back."
You hurry to obey, knowing the danger of Velkadin's tone. Before you go, Velkadin turns to you.
"I will track you down, Dengian." he says slowly. "You're a traitor to our family."
"Our family is a traitor to justice." you reply.

You have 1 choice:

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