The Gladiator

Using a trick you learned in battleschool, as quickly as you can you pull your wrist out of harm's way and counter with your other ax. Velkadin stumbles backward in surprise - he wasn't expecting that. Using your momentary advantage, you hound Velkadin's defenses with attack power. However, Velkadin is an expert Gladiator, and he blocks every one of your attacks...but just barely. Finally, you break through his defense and give him a long, shallow cut on his jaw. Velkadin staggers backward in shock, looking in disbelief at the blood from his wound.
The crowd erupts into cheers, and it takes you a few seconds to realize that you've won.
"I've won!" you shout in triumph, holding your axes into the air in jubilation. You try to catch the eye of that girl - she is smiling brightly at your victory.
Velkadin, on the other hand, looks far less pleased.
"You have only scratched me!" he roars in fury. "Dengian, I challenge you to complete this fight!"
You pause, knowing that Velkadin is challenging you to a fight until surrender. And you also realize that Velkadin will never surrender. But do you really want the crowd (not to mention that girl) to think you're a coward?
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