Time Traveller

You decide to charge foward, your no coward and you want to do what you can to become a part of WWII history. You and several other Marines jump from the sands and charge foward you grab a couple snapshots until a Japanese Soldier pops a round almost hitting you. You fall to the ground but you get back up.

You notice thatyou have dropped your camera but there is no time now to turn back. You and several others charge and conquer the beach taking several Japanese soldiers captive. You look up and see a couple of Marines standing up a flag. You run over behind them and help.

Once the flag is standing a Marine walks over to you with your camera. "Hope you don't mind Hero,but I took a picture of you and the guys setting up the flag."

You look at the picture in the digital screen and can't believe your eyes when you do, you are one of the guys in the monument that had been built around your photo. The Overseer will be most pleased with this.

You have 1 choice:

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