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Time Traveller

You stand tall and glare into the man's face.

"I am a messenger, and I have been instructed not to let anyone get in my way!" You say. The man peers at you strangely.

"You talk funny." He says. "Get out of the village afore I slit your throat!"

You pull out the camera and point it at him.

"This is a weapon of which you have never seen before. It is deadly and will kill you quicker than you can speak."

The man's face goes pale and he steps backwards.

"You wouldn't." He stammers. You turn on the zoom of the camera and it zooms at the man. He falls over into the dirt and scrambles backwards.

"No, please!"

You take a picture, and the flash lights up the man's face. He screams.

"That was only a warning shot," you say. "Now get out of here!"

The man stands and runs away. People in the village are staring at you in awe now, and some are looking out of their windows in fear. You walk straight through the village and are confident that you can take a picture with no problems now. What do you take a picture of?
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