"Alright gents, what the hell happened out there?" ask the Admiral.

"Sir, we were headed toward 162 when Iceburg...." you feel a nudge from Jackal's elbow. As if he didn't want you to tell the admiral of what Iceburg leading you into grid 167.

"Like i was saying sir, We were heading to Grid 162 when Iceburg noticed two Migs coming from the west we changed routes after seeing them and after advising them to leave, one refused so we fired upon him and then headed over to Grid 162." you advise the admiral when you know that it was Iceburgs plan all along to go to 167 looking for trouble.

"Spitfire, you mean to tell me that you and Iceburg did not purposely head to 167 looking for something?"

"No sir."

"Very well, you guys did good out there, you're all dismissed."

The two teams head back to the barracks down the hallway and get ready for dinner. Iceburg turns and stops in the hall. "Spitfire I could have covered my own ass, but thanks." he then turns and walks away with Hitman.

"Nevermind him spitfire, lets go get something to eat." you and Jackal head back to your room first.

You have 1 choice:

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