
You got dressed in everyday clothes and went to work. You worked at Grand Central Primary.

As you entered the school yard, the principal of the School confronted you.
"Um, good morning Peter."
"Morning Theodore."
"Um, Peter, we have a problem. See, we have lots of teachers wanting to work at this School and some of the workers at this School have little-to-no potential compared to the ones wanting to work here."
"And...?" You asked.
"Well, you're one of the No-Potential Teachers, and so we, or I, have to let you go."
You looked at Theodore for a second, then left the School grounds.
"Hey, Peter. Where are you going. You've still got a class to teach."
You kept on walking.
"First I was bullied, now i'm sacked and told I have no Potential. Well, I'll show him no potential," You scorned under your breath.
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