Forest Dweller

"Let's finish this, Adam!" He screams, the walls of the arena becoming pure ice that you know you will not be able to break through. It is the special element Elos holds that powers up any ordinary element.

"Shut up and fight, loser." You say confidently. He yells in an outrage and propels himself towards you, glowing bright blue as ice explodes all around him.
Ice that you know can damage you, even in your new form.
You're fighting on your own now, no universe to guide you.

He holds out an ice sword and slashes at you, which you leap up and stand atop easily, then kick him in the face. It's become too easy.
Too easy... something is wrong. You turn around and block his attack from the side. There are two of him! The Elos you kicked turns into solid ice and flies at you.

You have 2 choices:

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