Youngstown Demon

You press down the accelerator and make your way to Idora Park, the abandoned ruins of what was once one of the highest acclaimed amusement parks in the United States. There was a fire there in 1984 that destroyed its main coaster. It had already been up for sale, so the park just closed. It has since been mostly overtaken by the wilderness, the skeletal remains of the burnt coaster peaking up here and there between the trees.

It's located in a seldom visited corner of Mill Creek Park, still fenced in as though there were something left to protect. It's the perfect place to dump a body, really.

You dim the lights as you pull up to the curb. Shutting the engine off, you get out of the car and pull the limp form from the passenger side. You drag the body to a hole in the fence and climb through.

With the weight behind you, you make your way past the ruins of the Wild Cat. Glancing about you are satisfied to note that no one is there to see you.

Pulling dead weight is always such a chore, and Charles Morton is no exception. You continue to drag the lifeless form until you reach your destination and throw the body into the ruins of the ball room.

You position him on his back, so that his dead eyes stare up at the heavens, at the creator. The crimson cross cut into his chest is there for Him to see, but not just for Him. You leave him like that so that they also will see. Let them print it in the papers, air it on the television; let your message be received.

After committing the scene to memory, you make your way back to Morton's car. It starts up no problem, and you soon find yourself at the banks of the Mahoning River. Putting the car in neutral, you allow it to coast into the cold depths of the river. It swallows the hunk of metal like a hungry beast, devouring it greedily.

Satisfied, you make your way back to your car on foot. It takes close to an hour to reach your destination, and you find that your car is one of only a few still in the lot. You start it up and glance at the clock, it is 11:00pm. You start to drive home, the others are excited and alive with your fulfillment of the mission.

After pulling your car into the drive, you turn it off and get out; making your way to the door. You head straight for the shower, making the water scorching hot before stepping in.

The blood washes from your body to cloud up in the water at your feet and being swept away down the drain. You get out of the shower and dry off, glancing down at your blood stained clothes. Looks like you won't be wearing that business suit ever again, blood is just so hard to get out.

After having a quick bite to eat and a cup of hot tea before slipping into bed beneath the covers, checking the alarm, and drifting off to sleep.

And He saw all of this and it was good.

You have 1 choice:

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