Hired Assasin

"Wanna try hitting someone, try me pal" you yell over to him as you bend down with your hand around your ankle.

The guy reaches in for his waste band but as he sees you drawing out your gun he gets off a quick punch to the poor girl's face. As she falls to the ground he runs off down the alley jumping over a fence before you are able of getting a clean shot off.

You bend down to her, she is crying and holding her face.

"Thank you" she says crying in your arms as you help raise her up, "I don't know what might have happened if you didn't help me"

"What's The matter hun?"

"Oh I just wish it would all end. Damn jury duty!"

"Jury Duty?" you ask.

"Ya I have to testify In an Arson Case where the Mob burnt down some guys business who refused to pay him big deal is that he was in it. I just wish I had someone around to be with so I can feel a lil safer since the mob is trying to scare or actually kill me."
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