The Island of Destiny

Tern and Bura both seem satisfied with your choice and Tern then dismisses himself, leaving Bura to lead you across the village. As you walk through the strip, you can't help but notice that the culture of this place is very interesting, bits remind you of Native Americans, African tribes, and even Ancient Eqypt. The people all are dark-skinned yet you can't help but notice that each individual has almost flawless features. You finally realize though just how glad you are to be around other people.

Bura now comes to a stop in front of a large arena. There is an enormous gate in front of the two of you and on the other side, a man with a strong physique and many facial piercings walks out to greet you two.

"Bura," he says jovially. "Who have you brought me today, my friend?"

Bura introduces you to this man and through the gate you shake hands with him, learning that his name is "Ezeria". Ezeria then walks out of sight but a moment later you hear a loud creak and watch as the gate starts to lower right into the ground. In a few moments, you and Bura are free to walk across into the arena.

Ezeria stands on the other side, waiting for you. He impatiently taps his foot on the dirt. Bura then places a hand on your shoulder, causing you to turn around.

"I am leaving," Bura announces. "You will find the rest of your way now."

You give him a nod in farewell and watch as he leaves the arena. Then you turn back around and face Ezeria, who gives you a large, toothy grin.

"Ready for a long journey of pain?" he asks.

You aren't exactly sure what to say. Ezeria notices this and swats you with his left arm, not hard but still making you flinch pretty bad. Annoyed you look at him, trying to find out what this guy is all about.

"You must be quick," Ezeria explains. "Such is the way of the warrior. What would you like to improve first, your speed or your strength?"
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